

Musik für mobile E-Gitarren
Prozess & Prozession
Anlässlich des 15. Jubiläums des FFT
09. -13. September 2014

Coolibri Review
- http://tinyurl.com/qa4eqll
Die Welt - http://tinyurl.com/ogoc8t9
German Interview
- http://tinyurl.com/neauabo
English Interview
- http://tinyurl.com/q4gusf3

Photos Vol. 1 on FB:
Photos Vol. 2 on FB:

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An ensemble of e-guitars, equipped with portable amps and accompanied by percussion instruments, marches through downtown Düsseldorf. After editions of the “Tilted Axes” in New York City and Detroit, composer and musician Patrick Grant has been invited by FFT to perform his project here with local musicians. To celebrate FFT’s 15th birthday, Grant links the two venues FFT Kammerspiele and FFT Juta with a urban musical procession: a one-of-a-kind combination of theater music, street performance and contemporary New Music. Everyone is invited to become part of the parade – either as a musician, an onlooker or just someone passing by!

Patrick Grant is a composer and performer living in New York City. His musical works are a synthesis of classical, popular, and world musical styles that have found place in concert halls, film, theater, dance, and visual media. He has created music for many well-known artists and institutions, e.g. for Robert Wilson, the Living Theatre, the Louvre, and the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris. Over the last three decades, his music has moved from post-punk and classically bent post-minimal styles, through Balinese-inspired gamelan and microtonality, to ambient, electronic soundscapes involving many layers of acoustic and amplified instruments. He is the creator of International Strange Music Day (August 24) and the pioneer of the electric guitar procession. 

Ein Ensemble aus E-Gitarren, ausgestattet mit tragbaren Verstärkern und von Schlaginstrumenten begleitet, zieht durch die Düsseldorfer Innenstadt. Nach „Tilted Axes“- Ausgaben in New York City und Detroit realisiert der Komponist und Musiker Patrick Grant sein Projekt auf Einladung des FFT mit hiesigen Musikern. Anlässlich des 15. FFT- Geburtstages verbindet Grant die beiden Spielstätten FFT Kammerspiele und FFT Juta mit einer musikalischen Prozession im öffentlichen Raum: eine einzigartige Kombination aus Theatermusik, Straßenperformance und zeitgenössischer neuer Musik. Jeder ist eingeladen, Teil des Festzugs zu werden – ob als Musiker, als Zuschauer oder als Passant!

Patrick Grant lebt als Komponist und Musiker in New York City. Seine Arbeiten verbinden Elemente von klassischer, populärer und Welt-Musik und kommen in Konzerthallen ebenso wie in Film, Theater, Tanz und Medien zur Aufführung. Er schrieb Musik für viele bekannte Künstler und Institutionen, darunter Robert Wilson, The Living Theatre, der Louvre und das Musée du Quai Branly in Paris. In den zurückliegenden drei Jahrzehnten bewegte sich seine Musik von Post-Punk und Post-Minimalismus, über balinesisch-inspiriertes Gamelan, Mikrotonalität und Ambient hin zu elektronischen Soundscapes, die viele Schichten von akustischen und verstärkten Instrumenten beinhalten. Patrick Grant hat den International Strange Music Day (24. August) erfunden und versteht sich als Pionier der E-Gitarren-Prozession.

Supported by




Patrick Grant

Patrick Grant (Tilted Axes creator & electric guitar) is a composer and performer living in New York City. His musical works are a synthesis of classical, popular, and world musical styles that have found place in concert halls, film, theater, dance, and visual media. He has created music for many well-known artists and institutions, e.g. for Robert Wilson, the Living Theatre, the Louvre, and the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris. Over the last three decades, his music has moved from post-punk and classically bent post-minimal styles, through Balinese-inspired gamelan and microtonality, to ambient, electronic soundscapes involving many layers of acoustic and amplified instruments. He is the creator of International Strange Music Day (August 24) and the pioneer of the electric guitar procession. 

John Hicks

John Hicks (electric guitar & production assistant) leads the Epicycle guitar project in Paris and performs frequently with the Guitar Circle of Europe and The Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists. Earlier days saw him playing rockabilly in Blacksburg, VA and ambient music in Edinburgh, Scotland. Since 1994 he has been processing with Samba Baterias in Edinburgh, London, Paris, New York and Hong Kong, playing percussion, cavaquinho, and recently as puxador (vocalist). With both the London School of Samba and Mistura Fina (Paris) he advances the unlikely aim of shifting 7-string classical guitar parts onto a 6-string electric.

Rodrigo Marçal

Rodrigo Marçal
(percussion & production assistant) is a music producer based in Rio de Janeiro. His work is mainly focused on film, broadcast, and scores for the stage. He collaborates with many contemporary theatre companies in Brazil. Among his latest works, the soundtracks for Luiz Rosenberg Filho's feature film Dois Casamentos and Compania Urbana de Dança's dance piece I. You. We... All Black!

Christoph Götzen

Christoph Götzen (electric guitar) "Ich bin 17 Jahre alt und zurzeit angehender Abiturient in Düsseldorf spiele seit 5 Jahren Gitarre, komponiere eigene Songs und wirke in verschiedenen Pop/Rock Bands sowie kleineren Musikalischen Projekten (zB Duos, git + voc) mit. Darüber hinaus unterstütze ich eine Düsseldorfer Realschule als Dozent bei ihrem jährlich stattfindenden Chor und Band Workshop zur Vorbereitung ihrer Konzerte und unterrichte Anfänger auf Basis meiner musikalischen Erfahrungen. Selber unterrichtet werde ich vom Berufs Musiker Vincent 'Themba' Goritzki, welcher primär als Jazz Musiker und Produzent im Großraum Düsseldorf/Köln aktiv ist. Zurzeit spiele ich in der Pop/Rock Band 'Peek' und arbeite mit der Sängerin an einer Acoustic CD."

Thomas Gurke

Thomas Gurke (electric guitar) is a guitarist from Duesseldorf who plays in the rock band Headfuse as well as traditional Irish folk bands such as Drowsy Maggie and TRiSIT. He is also the co-founder of the annual Folkerdey-Festival in Ratingen which will commence on August 30th 2014 for the eighth time.

Flo Jäger

Flo Jäger
(electric guitar) has been playing in bands since the age of 15. He started out in Calmbach in the Black Forest to sing in the crossover-band Suckaz.Maybe. Later on he fronted the Karlsruhe based Last Train To Cool. At the moment he's singing for a Düsseldorf Punkrock-Band called Dog Jackson. He performed the Ramones song "The KKK Took My Baby Away" with a Guitalele in the movie Für den unbekannten Hund while being tattooed by Ferris MC. About his guitar playing, he says that he's more Malcolm than Angus Young, meaning that he prefers power chords over solos. Ironically, Florian plays Angus' guitar, a red SG copy by Epiphone.

Stephan Kivel

Stephan Kivel (electric guitar)
"A week ago I walked onto a theatre stage, back-packed an electric guitar, and inside me a doubtful mind, thinking about my own skills and health. And of course the question: What is the big idea? And today I sit here and can hardly believe that I really was part of this Big Idea. I not only had the pleasure to play with all of you and to contribute, furthermore, I was part of the energy what makes an idea big: To make it alive, go out, and show it. Thank you all for your talents and group-power and thank you Patrick, for stepping into town and to share your idea, your music, this wonderful evenings and the bright Saturday with us. Not only we rocked the town, the big idea rocked me too: It made my life bigger."

Alexander Kupsch

Alexander Kupsch (electric guitar) (26) finds inspiration and passion in music and theater. Alex acts in the theater ensembles of only connect! and groundzero performance under the direction of Julie Stearns from Cleveland, Ohio and plays guitar for the metalcore formation Heaven's Breakdown from Viersen, Germany. His original compositions for theater and band projects are influenced by fingerstyle-guitar and percussive guitar approaches, delay and ambient spheres as well as straight-forward pop and metal/hardcore music.


LauraL aka Laura Leiner (electric guitar) is a guitarist, composer, self-taught searcher of dramaturgy and since 2004 plays in the band M.i.p.V _ Músicas intermináveis para Viagem (“Endless Music For Tripping”). She is an artist and researcher with a multi-disciplinary background encompassing music, theatre, dance, performing arts, photography, video, physics, chemistry and communication-journalism. Laura was born in Brazil (Porto Alegre), where she studied Music, Theater and Social Communication and participated of a several projects as composer, musician or performer. Since 2009 she lives in Berlin, where she does often solo-concerts or projects with another artists and her band released its second album M.i.p.V II (2011/12-Solaris Empire/Broken Silence). Among others projects, which have the goal to explore public spaces, she develops a work with the concept of scenario/ambient for a concert, using interactive videos and distorted urban sounds.

Shunsuke Oshio

Shunsuke Oshio
(electric guitar) was born and raised in Osaka, Japan. From childhood he played various instruments such as piano, flute, guitar, and bass guitar. When he was at college, he had sitar lessons for 3 years. From this experience of Indian music, it gave him an opportunity to create his guitar sound like a drone and atmospheric ambient styles by use of many effects units. In 2008 he moved to Duesseldorf (Germany) and started his musical career. Since 2011 has been performing as a guitarist in his own band AI and working as a composer for theater, dance, and installations for many artists.

Markus Saxen

Markus Saxen
(electric guitar) Seit 40 Jahren Gitarre. Straßenmusiker. Psychologie. Ruhrgebietskind durch und durch. Seit langer Zeit akustik-lastiger Jazz und Blues mit „Lieder für Herrn Paul“.

Torsten Thum

Torsten Thum
(electric guitar): "Ich komme aus Düsseldorf und habe mit etwa 14 Jahren begonnen Gitarre zu spielen. Während der Schulzeit habe ich in diversen Schülerbands gespielt. Später habe ich wegen Job und Familie hauptsächlich für mich selbst musiziert. Seit der Zeit bin ich noch als DJ tätig. Vor etwa 7 Jahren habe ich dann wieder angefangen in Band's zu spielen. Zur Zeit spiele ich in einer Rock Coverband aus Zons."

Martin Zimny

Martin Zimny (electric guitar) studiert derzeit in Düsseldorf Master of Music mit dem Hauptfach Konzertgitarre. Er gewann Preise in mehrere nationalen und internationalen Wettbewerben und spielte über 50 Konzerte in ganz Europa. Seit 2010 ist Martin Zimny Stipendiat des Yehudi-Menuhing-Verbandes, seit 2013 ist er Stipendiat des Richard-Wagner-Verbandes und erhielt 2013 das Promos-Stipendium, welches ihm eine Konzertreise nach Indien ermöglichte. Neben der klassischen Gitarre studiert Martin Zimny auch Musikwissenschaft und Alte Musik und spielt in mehreren kammermusikalischen Ensembles. Er wirkte in der Deutschen Oper am Rhein als Generalbaß-Spieler mit und beschäftigt sich außerhalb seiner Studien mit Musik- und Videoproduktion.

Tilt Manager Karen Boesser & snare drummer Jan Schrodter



Tilted Axes: Detroit (313) - Jul. 19, 2014

Tilted Axes NYC (Asciae Obliquiae) - Jan. 5, 2014

Tilted Axes NYC (The Alamo's Last Stand) - Dec. 21, 2013

Tilted Axes Detroit (What's the Big Idea?) - Mar. 20, 2013

Tilted Axes NYC (Tilted Variations) - Dec. 21, 2012

Tilted Axes NYC (Make Music Winter) - Dec. 21, 2011

